Friday, December 26, 2008

I cannot believe this...

As previously mentioned, I am not a fan of Christmas and all that comes with it. Yet I decided that I would take my grandmother up on her offer and fly over to visit her so I could be rid of my fucking aunt and her Satan kid.

I do this and things are ok, despite my stepdad being completely effed up on drugs and behaving like someone posessed!
Then yesterday my grandmother tells me that my uncle called to say that he, my aunt and said Satan child... Are on their way over to us!!!
I could not believe it.... She doesn't even like us and it's not like my uncle has something to say so I know it is not his choice! She ALWAYS wants to stay at her house for Christmas for "her sons sake" so WHY did she suddenly come here???
Because I went here so she felt like her sorry ass was
Missing out on something and she couldn't boss people around and make sure the Satan child was the center of attention ALWAYS!!!!
God this sucks!!!!!!

It is 9am and I've been awake for 2 hours, I am hungry yet I refuse to leave the room that I'm staying in because I don't wanna be around them!
That's NOT how I wanted Christmas to be!

Seriously though, I've never loved my iPhone more! I don't think I would have survived had I not been able to hide away, go online and rant to Kathy last night and now on this blog! My iPhone is the best thing ever....

By the new year I will claim edge.
I've given it alot of thought after I quit smoking and I know it is the right decission for me. I am so very excited about it.

ZA (soon to be ZXA)

Can you tell I am scared of flying?? Haha

-- Post From My iPhone

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